Saturday, September 13, 2014

Interview: John Canemaker discover the secrets of the Disney film industry

lost notebook-Schultheis

If John Canemaker has his latest book not write Herman Schultheis and the mysteries of magic and the Walt Disney film: Password Notebook He said he still considered among the best historians Animation Art. But he did not want to write the biography of a great book of the most unlikely characters, and thus God Canemaker added a long list of achievements and one of the coolest ever, and published volumes Disney art.

A rare feat at this late date of writing something in the story that makes the reader see the Disney Studio in 1930 in respect of entirely new. Lost laptop via conversion animation studio focused on detecting and teamwork and coordination of international administrations that made Disney films as possible. I already have the book warmly praised in more than one occasion . Now is the time, John heard about the process and the challenges in creating this unique book itself.

Readers Los Angeles, beware: John Schultheis will be lectures on tomorrow night at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. There are some tickets still. For more information, see this post earlier .

Cartoon Brew: You first wrote Herman Schultheis in the case of the print magazine in 1996 (read the original article here ), and wanted a book about him since the mid-1990s, this idea seems obvious to write. Why not take a long time, published a book?

John Canemaker.

John Canemaker.

JOHN Canemaker: Honestly, no publisher was interested at that time. "Too expensive to produce," "limited audience", "very complicated", "very special" Herman who? "" Did the mid-1990s typical reactions when Howard Lowry, who discovers a half after their own books. Peace century, showed me first albums, hope we both thought the fax, annotated version can be used.

This was the purpose behind my writing "Secrets of Disney visual effects: The Notebook Schultheis" in the March / April print, magazine, graphic design, and after eighteen years, this is the article. Turned out to be something to be as lost as a model for laptops at the same time, he found Howard ideal home for archiving all albums Schultheis: Museum of the family of Walt Disney in San Francisco, which opened in 2009, and now owns and maintains the books and shows the effect of photo album (the subject of the notebook is lost) in interactive digital signage .

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Cartoon Brew: is the daughter of Walt Disney, Diane Disney Miller, the Disney Family Museum led before his death last year, and participating in the production of this book?

JOHN Canemaker: "There is a great interest in the tender Schultheis, and you have written about them," You got me Diane sent in October 2010, "must be a book", she asked me: "If necessary, it would interested?, It must be done now, but if you are allowed at the planning stage, I can not think of anyone I would like to entrust to a certain degree. "Needless to say, I wanted to write a book.

Richly illustrated biography of Herman Schultheis, followed by a detailed analysis and explanation of the impact of the laptop - Diane and founder of the Disney family, the publishing of high quality (Weldon Owen) in San Francisco, the and the format in which Diane I have proposed, agreed to find. The manuscript to publishers and Diane Weldon Owen May 28, 2012 (Holiday AD) passed, and two years later published (27 May 2014).

Diane was the creative engine, the causative mutation in this project began and gave him life, as it was for many of the projects, including the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. It was a wonderful experience to work with her - she had a can do the sharpness of his father, and I think it could have been, and I will miss him very much.

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Cartoon Brew: Looking at your pressure, there was very little information about Schultheis at that time was the main attraction of laptops. But in a new book, one could put the concept to the biography of the man behind the laptop. How and when you have decided to create a biography Schultheis that. Besides the documentation of laptops

JOHN Canemaker: In the years between the article and print my departure on the book, enticing information Schu Theis the elements that appear in the Internet began, and especially to his mysterious death in Central America. I like to write the biographies. I am fascinated by the people make their choice to live their lives. As luck or fate intervenes in this life and their reactions to it. When I decided to research and write about someone, and I'm trying to find out who that person is. And I've always been lucky to find information, whether Otto Messmer and Vladimir Tytla or Joe Ranft. Herman Schultheis was the character of sympathy for me, and I felt that once I started when I was confident that I find enough material to write his story dig. I took a chance that a story arc like minutes, and I was right. During the research phase, things were quickly on the spot.

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Cartoon Brew: Can you talk a little about your business from the perspective of a biographer. Unlike previous editions back your people as McKay, and nine elderly, and Mary Blair, Schultheis almost known. He worked at Disney for a few years and decades ago disappeared in the jungles of Central America. After seeing his life to embody in the situation in detail. How was it hard on Archival Schultheis and what sources did you use to find out more about his life?

Canemaker JOHN: It was an exciting challenge. Almost every day, made the discovery. But it takes work and perseverance. Joe Kennedy, my husband searched online databases of immigration, who told us how and when Schultheis arrived in the United States in 1927 and where he came from. Reports and records of the census of the company told us where he lived in New York and his work. Payroll ships gave us the data and the names of the ships of the Traveling through. To know that he was born in the city of Aachen, Germany, we guessed correctly that Herman went to the Technical University in the city. Joe speaks German archives and contacted the university, the documents and information from the school Schultheis found on his family.

Assuming the newspaper business Librascope, another workplace Schultheis, several articles about his work there and lost in the jungle of Tikal terrible 1955, Carl Sorenson, archives Librasope, m 'interviewed two former employees who worked with Schultheis. Until we the daughter of Schultheis and interviews.

Historian Howard was animated Laurie Laurie and Paula Sigman unusual affection and generosity. During the phase of the west coast of research, they made copies for me personal letters and messages to collect Schultheis, personal photographs, correspondence, plans, job search, and a copy of an interview with another Disney Herman. On the basis of this article, and I also started to information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the detailed information on the circumstances of the death of information Schultheis, as well as correspondence between Ethel Schultheis and J. Edgar Hoover was ask.

I found the Walt Disney Archives Director Rebecca Klein ignored a long square with the words "Schultheis" contains many works of art, images and symbols, the photos with Herman about his contribution to the animation process at this time, as many as "CELS relief from the cold." Are included in the book.

Dave Smith, the founder of the Walt Disney Archives, Becky Klein and correct factual errors in the manuscript stage Disney. Related Library Disney Animation Archive, gave me Library Disney Pictures full access to imaging. I saw unusual rarely seen (if at all) photos and pictures, mostly missing in laptops.

Christina Rice, Senior Public Library Library of Los Angeles, allowed me access to the 5000 and pictures of Joe Schultheis shot in Los Angeles in the late 1930s, a sweetheart, Lori has generously donated to the library. Indexed images on the Internet as part of the library is now a collection of digital images .

I think the strangest example of how many times he said "Yes" and smiled researcher was carrying when we visited the house and built Ethel Herman Schultheis. It is situated on a steep hill near the Los Feliz Blvd Hyperion We parked our car in the street, the current owner came out that we avoid a ticket for parking in front of his house. As we mentioned Schultheis, they call recognition and invites us to take a tour inside to take the block of flats, describing how he looked when they bought the land from Ethel Schultheis. It also gave me the name of a former neighbor and friend of the widow Schultheis. We follow him and gave me a very useful interview. Will and inheritance relationships is that we also Ethel own keeper, who lived in a retirement home. All Copyright basic detective work, but all exciting!

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Cartoon Brew: Let's talk about the books Schultheis, because many people still do not know more, the story. You can send a brief explanation of what give these mobile devices and the historical importance of community animation.

Herman Schultheis (1900-1955), a man with many gifts: JOHN Canemaker musician and engineer, and avid traveler, foreign ports, a talented photographer, and an interpreter obsession of his books many trips and services. He was ambitious, and we know a lot, and he will be a force in the film industry. This should not, for various reasons that I will be in the book.

During a brief Schultheis work at Disney (1938-1940) studio in the laboratory of Special Operations and the special effects, I was of the work he has observed and participated fascinated. The realization that he was something important to an eyewitness, and achieve recognized as classics in the "golden age" captured Disney Schultheis great opportunity and unique aspects as I documented some of the greatest animated films, including Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo known fiction Movies and Bambi.

Here are the details of Disney Album amazing in all the pictures and graphics, diagrams and symbols (and sometimes even notes). They show, for the first time, a number of special effects light imaging. As overlap the coordination between various departments at Disney. As improvised solution was to create innovative solutions for problems and solutions to achieve the beauty and excitement of a new visual and the highest production values of entertainment on the screen. There is also a rare historical record of innovative equipment and statistics that often (and perhaps be humiliated) for computer artists today are thrown together by crews in the era of analog effects and the constant pursuit of perfection that should prove inspirational. Schultheis notebook called Rosetta Stone of the animation, because it, by knowing ourselves, our knowledge of how these films were great and unique.

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Cartoon Brew: For you personally, what are the findings of the most surprising books Schultheis in art? For example, it was something you read here, made you go, "Wow, I never thought they achieved this effect with this technique.? Laptops and films such as Pinocchio and Fantasia different?

JOHN Canemaker: instead of multiple pages in notebooks factor "Oh wow!" For me. Average mechanical stop-motion, a sensitive surface Snowflake Ballet "The Nutcracker" by Fantasia with rail Lionel (!) To create was an incredible discovery. Since the thought?

Moreover, the use of water for the genius "volcanic ash" from the "ritual of Spring" by pouring paint into a fish tank in the music of Stravinsky. Schultheis detail on every page, including images, graphics and words (and sometimes music sticks), as one has to achieve the effects of explanations always fascinated me.

He revealed the truck-camera time-consuming and expensive in the famous village of Pinocchio that children go to school full of Schultheis. He referred in his book, pen pictures of the scene, models and pictures of the image multi-plane horizontal "universal" unit Dolly. So it shows the glass plates with several vans overlay and painted the background! A conversation with witnesses in the history of cinema!

It is amazing to discover that many of the effects setup rigged jury, as the camera horizontally global multi-level, circular glass and multi-level travel the universe and galaxies in the opening sequence in rotating "Spring Ritual."

And also surprised (and pleased) to learn that the Reluctant Dragon for most, who she claims departments within the Disney studio in 1940 actually built on a sound stage. Was Schultheis photographers a movie set and devotes twenty pages of pictures and observations in detail all aspects of the production of live action / animation, it is a fake documentary about how the Disney Studio Animation films made at this time.

Knowledge of the history backwards with respect to imaging in Pinocchio and Fantasia do it, and I guess more work and team work hard ingeniously by the various production departments to these pilots and technicians from the animation on the screen to complete required.

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Cartoon Brew: lost laptops, perhaps more than any book that has been written about Disney, the counter-position movement focused on the film studio and summarizes the work of the team and interdepartmental coordination that made Disney films as possible. That is the question I hesitantly because I work on a biography of the animation and Ward Kimball, but believe that historians is the big picture, what makes Disney special studio focus too much on entertainment as opposed to the more global view of missed this process? Or is it the end all about Animation, anyway?

JOHN Canemaker: For years attracted the attention of the public propaganda studio for the hosts. They were part of the process is not flashy fascinated as he the leader of their designs and Mickey Mouse comes to life and emotes. Nine elders, for example, has become a symbolic image of "the way movies were" in Disney. The public does not know (or care) about each process often complex other "move" on the screen.

I produced and directed animated films and have an intimate knowledge of the various parts of the production process of animation. I felt that the writers of each of these processes was worth the details.

But to put everything in one folder would be impractical. Maybe someone someday. To understand this art form Disney, and I think it would be useful to go into individual parts detailed explorations of the animation, as I have tried in my books about the history of Disney and screenwriter history of the artist (the dreams of paper a few guys named Joe), the concept of art and artists (before the beginning of do animation), or a particular group of animation (Nine Old Men, Walt Disney films and animation).

Everyone has a story to tell. I often think how nice it would be if we knew the details about the life and talents of anonymous artists, craftsmen and artisans, and perhaps those who built the pyramids or the Cathedral of Chartres or the palace of Versailles. I think it would be wonderful.

Cartoon Brew: They seem all aspects of the visual arts floors Disney artist, painter and artist concept, and now processes and photographic effects want. What, if any, parts of the Disney story you feel was disadvantaged and deserve further study?

JOHN Canemaker: What's with the United Inbetweeners I've historian / animation writer Charles Solomon known, and I even have the letter to participate in the search for Hanna-Barbara, joked. Ink and paint girl lost in an emergency, there are still many questions Animation intrepid writer / historian to explore. I understand that it is a book of ink and color in the planning of management. And a book about the history and construction of two Studios Hyperion and Burbank.

Didier Ghez and work on the first of a series of books that will continue to examine the concept of Disney artists, and promises to add new information about this topic. It Planning and rear specific artist Disney, which I think will be interesting topics for books. Personally, I like studies / analysis to make the life and work of the great animation biography, Frank Thomas and separate Vladimir Tytla.

Outside of Disney, there is also, of course, a whole world of entertainment and historical periods and current, writers, researchers and editors to examine him. Date of animation artists who were a part of it, the subject of a rich history of exploration in the digital age we are every day.

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