Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Marilyn Myller "by Mickey Please


Greets Marilyn Marilyn awayth joy. Marilyn strives to be a good thing to create. Will and align expectations and reality for once. Will be epic. It will tear deep jerky. It will be perfect. Nothing can go wrong.

Directed by Mikey Please
Anime and represent Mickey Please, Dan Ojari
Animation with Tim Allen, Stephen Warren
Composed by Ben please Jules Scott, Bethany Porter
Sound Design Adam Janota Bzwski
Vote: Josie Long, James Stevenson Bretton Theodora Van Der Beek, Josephine Gallagher
Designer: Jane Newman, Nadia Oh, beverages Katie, Dan Ojari, Mickey Please, Carmen Mason, Anna Ginsberg, Laura Pittman, Kim Swallow
Dolls: Mickey Please Lizzie Dalton, Jane Newman
Design: Nadia Oh, Mickey, please Jane Newman, Dan Ojari
Supervision of Photography: Matthew Day
Secondary lighting: Max Halstead
Musicians: Andrew Douglas Forbes, Katherine Hurley, Emma Hooper, Benedict Please Bethany Porter, Jules Scott, Ian Vorley, James Watts
Soloists: Diane Amado, Maria Braun Danishvar
Placed in JAPIC accommodation with the Ministry of Education of Japan
Blink by industry / Hornet film produced
Filmed Clapham Road Studios

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