Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Paramount opened in the United States with an estimated $ 65 million. The film by Jonathan Liebesman controlled, including the main characters of the four not achieve motion capture animation CGI Heights $ 94300000, for the first time at the end of last week, the guards Galaxy, but he had the highest first 2007 Movie TMNT Turtles $ 24,300. 000 terms of performance was very good given today morning announced that Paramount has The Turtles sequel slated for release on June 3, 2016th
The turtles on the second place of guards Galaxy, which drew about the end of the second week in at $ 41500000 followed, boos tings correspond to 175,900,000th Dawn Planet of the Apes at the ninth place at the end of the fifth week of 4.4 million U.S. dollars and a total of $ 197.8 million from the National :. Planes dropped fire rescue and quickly, and in 10th place with 2.4 million and the entire $ 53 million.
After nine weeks of operation, and How to Train Your Dragon 2 only increased more than 170 million dollars in the United States, nearly 50 million dollars less than the original. At the same time he received an additional FIM at $ 12200000 last weekend for the international foreign jurisdictions of $ 319.4 million. Payment of the total worldwide to $ 489.5M, which is just shy of the $ 494.9M original. The sequel is in this week exceed the original movie.
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