And, new chapter in the mouse post to move every Friday on the Cartoon Brew. This is the story of the Disney animated film, Nine Old Men on arrival Jeffrey Katzenberg. Lost decade of production animation studio Walt Disney, green through the eyes of the animation writer. Steve Hulett spent a decade in the Disney feature story writing animation department and animation features, the first under the direction and supervision of the Disney veterans Woolie Reitherman, Larry Clemmons , then under the watchful eyes of the young Jeffrey Katzenberg. Since 1989, represents as representatives of Hewlett-Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839, an organization that the artists animation and served in Los Angeles, writers and technicians on the base.
Read Chapter 1: History of Disney
Read Chapter 2: Larry Clemmons
Read Chapter 3: The History of Disney Animation Department
Read Chapter 4: And then there was ... Ken!
Read Chapter 5: Marathon sessions Woolie Reitherman
Features off before you commit to Disney, I sold a couple of magazine articles about love to write, for the pressure where it placed nothing between the writer and the reader, but the words on the page. When I an employee of Disney, I realized that I was surrounded worried and creative conflicts, Snow White, Pinocchio, and the properties have passed the other raw materials from veterans of the animation with vivid memories of the days of the old Hyperion Studio. Talk to former employees Mouse House, it occurred to me that it would provide an excellent base material for the article.
So with visions of glossy magazines, sales in my head, and I began to interview the former. Men who were there in the thirties on the pants. Men who worked on the properties of the first. Your stories and memories threw the open window at a time and one of the smaller and personal filmmaking when the founder of the company worked with its employees and the world of cinema was less than a few clicks of the company.
I began to research and write an article about Pinocchio, and contacted Ward Kimball, who was supervising the animation function. The suite was talking about Disney retired, but he was happy a few years ago, and he invited me to his home in San Gabriel, give me him a tour of the railroad to the rear and the cast is full of memorabilia Disney before settling down with me in his room large, sunny living room, talking about life in the world of Walt Disney production and the trials and tribulations of creating a second animated film from the studio:
Pinocchio was the first picture where you work as a supervisor of the animation. Walt began, more than that, more or talented, or whatever you call them leaders and do what he wants animation to take supervision. Maybe two or three of us go early in an attempt to capture the image of the history of drawing, the development of a character, stamp duty, which has been working in the animation. Often not on the contour of the story to work.
But Pinocchio was not a soft touch. In fact, I think it was difficult for all Snow White Snow White completed and tell us. "Ha. Features we know how!" And everyone went to Pinocchio with this great load of confidence. Boy, six months later, I have discovered, I found that what you learn in the form of Walt not necessarily work on the next screen.
Was the development of cricket as a small black locust, and the problem of access to the character that Walt would accept. Now it was a difficult task, because as I said everyone cricket like a cockroach. So every time I go there, so Walt will frown and say, "It is not good enough," or something.
Through the process of elimination, I have all the stuff left cockroach, if we have a little man, cut with a layer, and I think you could call the wing, and as a point to get in the back, but you now they are stopped. It collar, hat and umbrella and hat, and his face is the egg with the cheeks. No ears, two lines and showed antennas and nose. You can not access something like the gills or holes or things that looked ugly.
Finally, we had this abstraction, a symbol of the spectrum they called Cricket. Can not be anything else, and they are small. This is the only thing you can say about them: It's not a mouse with three legs as Mickey ...
I burned a piece of long interviews with host Eric Larson, and background artist Claude Coats, and my old boss Ken Anderson, then nearing retirement. Now that you are not working for him, Ken turned back to Mr. Friendly, memories of his time on Pinocchio:
I kept a notebook at the time of camera angles and moving images of live action, like Anthony harmful. Walt glanced at the laptop computer and the like. He said he took begin the other notes, too. Has always been so designed that the defects in the Mediterranean to overcome but have not yet heard it expressed in so many words.
This appears at the bottom of the city in the early Pinocchio, our planning supervisor Charles Philip wants light eagle eye for the city. For the amount of detail we need, the scene has painted six feet wide and six feet long.
But the most difficult multi-level had been shot in terms of design and planning far from the most exciting film. This is where you are locked in a bird cage Pinocchio Stromboli in the car, and the car is in motion. You have a lot of levels. There stabilizers cage and the cage two levels, front and rear. Pinocchio was at home, in response to gravity. Problems corresponding registration was huge. In addition, you can swing dummies in the front and the light from the window with the moon shining above the level of the back. Moon instead, while the other moves and swing. The light beam from the Blue Fairy to be restored from the window. The result seems to be normal, but the schedule for all events each complex. And expensive.
Choose Ken Anderson, that part of the "Pinocchio" as one of the most technically difficult sequences in the film.
If through all the information veterans and finally screened the completion of the piece, and I the results of the film magazine was sent comment. Editors buy it surprised me immediately. Encouraged by this success, I wrote a short article about Dumbo. These efforts have failed to attract the attention of every magazine or journal within the continental United States.
I am at a loss what to do when he the advertising department of Disney to tell me that Viking Press require thousands of words of text on the decision, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to coffee table art book was published, and I interested in writing the chapter would?
"If you want a Viking?" She asked.
"In eight days., You have a press crazy."
"How much do they pay?"
"Twelve hundred dollars."
"Sure, I can do that," I said. For twelve hundred dollars, and I want to pass copies of all the books of the New Testament.
So I dived in which I have never entered a lot of people made quickly or even pages in a short period of time. I worked on the dialogue and gags for the Fox and Hound during the day, then went home and fought with prose writers in late night.
I was very proud when I turned in copy to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs earlier in the day, and even more proud when I make the check for the advertising department for Disney. But I had a different kind of passion, as months later, and the book came out and I read a review of my work in animation expert and historian Mike Wall in Funny World:
This is a thin piece of surprising since the amount of research material in the archives of Disney. Howlett ... seems mainly on interviews with some of the people who have on the film, which allows him to work, some of the statements that are at least questionable include, on the base.
Howlett said to explain why it planned live-action movie of Snow White and Prince, instead of jumping, such as photocopies, there was no framework as a guide for facilitators extensions of photography in the mid-thirties. This is simply not true.
I cut to the core, than I do. Charges against the wall and went to the house of steam to the Office for Youth for the moral support and brotherly love I showed him the paper barrier and groaned. "This guy cut me, maybe it's Pete So just a few things that I bad, but ..."
"A couple?"
"Well, maybe more than a couple. But damn, you're only eight days to write something!"
"You pay, is not it?" Smile House. "Twelve one hundred U.S. dollars?"
"Sure, but ..."
"Even if you feel bad review, why do not you write a letter, Mike Wall, says:" Of course the room is ugly, but I was only eight days to this I'm sure to write. He understood everything. "
I could feel my face hot. I went to strip the office out of the house and went upstairs to my country and feel like the back of a horse. Ruminating in my office, and I decided to take a break from reviewing and writing the book and. Upon the work of comedy
Do not check any person for dialogue foxes, owls, badgers.
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